1. dir – list the contents of the directory.
dir/p - to show the directory page by page
dir/w - to show the directory widthwise.
dir/ah - to show the hidden files
dir/p - to show the directory page by page
dir/w - to show the directory widthwise.
dir/ah - to show the hidden files
dir /s - to show the contents of sub-directories also.
Dir <filename> - to search for a file in the present directory.
Dir <drive>: - to show the content of the <drive>: drive.
cls - to clear the screen
copy - to copy the source files to destination folder.
copy <source file or files> <destination directory>
copy file1.exe dir3
copy <source file or files> <destination directory>
copy file1.exe dir3
ren or rename - it is used to rename a file
ren <existing name of the file> <new name of thefile>
ren <existing name of the file> <new name of thefile>
del or erase – it is used to delete a file or a group of files
del <file name>
del <file name>
cd - to change the directory
cd <directory name> - to change to the directory
cd.. – to go back to parent directory.
cd\ - to go back to root directory
cd <directory name> - to change to the directory
cd.. – to go back to parent directory.
cd\ - to go back to root directory
mkdir - to make a blank directory
mkdir <dir name>
mkdir <dir name>
copy con – to create a text file
copy con <file name>
<type the matter>
ctrl + z
copy con <file name>
<type the matter>
ctrl + z
rd - to remove a blank directory
rd <blank directory>
rd <blank directory>
type <text filename> - to show the content of a text file
type <filename> | more - to show the content of a long text file page by page.
type <filename> | more - to show the content of a long text file page by page.
ver - to show the version of O.S
<drive>: - to change the prompt to another drive.
path - To set or to show the system path.
System path contains directories in which dos has to search for the files, which are required for the execution of the external commands.
System path contains directories in which dos has to search for the files, which are required for the execution of the external commands.
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